PEETA - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

The Tallahassee-Leon Community Animal Service Center has a large number of animals just waiting for adoption. And we receive new adoptees every day so add our website to your favorites list and visit us often. -X -.--.- animalsA163606 This is Peeta (name may be changed in the future.) This 5 month old Labrador puppy is in a foster home where his foster dad is hoping to help him get over a case of debilitating fear. At this point all we know is that this pup was tied to a convenience store fence and here at the shelter he would not move. He is incredibly fearful and shut down and at 5 months old he has a long road ahead of him to get over this fear but with a patient enough adopter he should get there. It is unlikely that he will ever be an overly social dog but it is quite possible that he will make great improvement in a quiet consistent home.If you are interested in learning more about Peeta please contact the Foster Coordinator at ---X(at)---X and reference the Animal ID number at the beginning of this post.... More Info



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