Bella - Female Domestic Mediumhair

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Celebrate Our Freedom -- Adopt a rescued cat or kitten -- Meet our cats at PetSmart Ventura Fri - 11 a.m.-2 p.m. -- kittens Hobe Huck King Louis & adults - Bella Tyg & Wheeler Sat noon-3 p.m. -- kittens Hobe Huck King Louis. Adults Juliette Tyg & WheelerCall -----X if you are interested in one of our cats living at the Greyfoot Sanctuary or send email to -----(at)---. Cats shown by appointment only. Come meet me Fri noon-2 p.m. at PetSmart Ventura.DOB August 2015I am beautiful Bella a grey & white medium-haired female. I am an active playful older kitten. I am very independent and will do things such as give you attention or let you pick me up with when I am ready. Grandma my caregiver and best friend and I have an end of the work day routine -- I want her to play with me a soon as she comes home. If she does not then I grab her legs with my paws when she walks by me. I do not grab her with my claws. She tosses a ball and I run after it. I am a very large husky cat.My story . . . I was adopted when I was a very young kitten. I live with grandma and mom. Mom s boy friend and his kids are allergic to me. Grandma works long hours and is concerned that I am not getting enough time and attention. We recently made a difficult decision and have decided to find me a new loving indoor-only home. I am looking for a quiet and relaxed fur-ever home. I prefer a home where there are no other cats -- I have been the only cat most of my life. Kids must be teenagers or older as I play too rough for young kids. I want a home of my own but do not know how to tell you. The cages at PetSmart are a scary place -- so many people staring at me through the window and some bang on the window to get my attention. I do not make a good first impression. My wish for summer is a special someone to love -- Adopt me -- Share your life with a very independent cat Call -----X or send email to -----(at)--- if you want to meet me.spayed felv& fiv test negative vaccinated microchipVisit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.Greyfoot also adopts cats from our sanctuary in Oak View.Please call for an appointment. -.-.-X or send email to -----(at)---We require an application and home safety visit. Our adoption fees are 75.00 - 125.00 tax-deductibleReady to adopt - fill out our online Adoption Application. We do perform home safety checks for that reason we only adopt to people living in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County. ... More Info



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