KeyTrust Properties Paula Ricks. NEW Construction in Falls Cross

KeyTrust Properties Paula Ricks. Beautiful quality built new construction in the new Falls Crossing subdivision in Madison. This 3 bedroom 2 bath split floor plan has pine hardwood floors in the foyer dining and living rooms. There is ceramic tile in the kitchen and both baths and the bedrooms are carpeted. Relax in the living room that features a nice fireplace with mantle custom built-in cabinets and lots of tall windows that provide plenty of light. The spacious kitchen offers rows of cabinets for storage slab granite countertops decorative back splash sunny breakfast area and bar with counter seating. Stainless steel appliances include electric stove built-in microwave and dishwasher. Conveniently located laundry room has even more cabinets. The master suite offers a double vanity separate shower jetted tub and a walk-in closet. This split plan has two more bedrooms that share the hall bath with a tub shower combo. You will enjoy outdoor living with a covered back patio.To see this lovely new construction home you may call or text Parrish Shanks Malouf at 601-383-3193. 220 W Jackson St Suite 200 Ridgeland 601-956-4944



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