Ron Weasley - Male American Pit Bull Terrier

Cheerio My name is Ron Weasley. I m a 4-month-old neutered male pit bull puppy who currently weighs about 24 pounds. I enjoy playing with my brothers and I could make a good exercise partner. I am a sweet boy but I m a rambunctious puppy so my new parents should have some experience with dogs. Obedience classes are required of me and my new parents. Ask for me Ron using my ID number A808308. I can t wait to meet you Unless otherwise indicated adoptable animals are located at our Lantos Center for Compassion at 1450 Rollins Road Burlingame CA 94010. Our hours are weekdays from 11am-7pm and weekends from 11am-6pm (closed major holidays). Interested adopters must arrive at least 1 hour before close. We do our best to update our listings regularly but we can t guarantee every animal you see is still available. It s also typical for us to have animals who haven t had their photos taken yet so you are welcome to visit our adoption center and have a look around To check on an animal s adoption status please call 650 ---X during normal business hours to speak with an adoption counselor or 650 ---X x- anytime to hear a recording of our available animals (updated each morning). Emails will be returned as soon as possible but please allow up to 48 hours during busy adoption periods like weekends.... More Info



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