Akc English Mastiff Puppies

Akc Registered English Mastiff Puppies. They Are 10 Week s Old Date of birth 12 27 2018 and they Have had their First Set Of Shot s Done Along With Worming s. We have 3 female s and 1 male and they are very friendly puppies that love attention. We have dad on site but mom passed away due to complications of the C-section but I have her papers and pictures if your wanting to see them. She was tested for hip and elbow dysplasia and patellar luxation. Mom and dad are both pretty big. If interested text at 812-593-9874 or pm me on here. I can also send the picture s of the pup s to you if interested. If any other questions please ask They are ready for their forever homes. Just let me know if you have any questions and I d be happy to help. Located in Westport IN. Price all together is 1000 a pup.



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