CAN AM - Price: $$$$$$

CAN AM folks this motorcycle is one the most revolunary bikes to come along in a long time or maybe ever if a child could reach the pedals its simple enough for them to opperate seriously they come in automatic w reverse tell me how simple that is folks that have never even been on a motorcycle are buying this bike and having the time of thier lives.Women love this bike its so simple to operate and has a very high safety rateing. CAN AM financing is offering some great financing rates on these motorcycles right now. Don t wait till your neighbors all get one call me or come by today to Fort Worth Motorsports we are here tues. thru fri. 9 to 7 and sat. 9 to 6 give me a call my name is David at 817 717 9467 send me an email to fortworthsales3(at) or check our inventory out at fortworthfinance(at) 24 7



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