Personal Protection Police Sport and Pet from Championines for s

This puppy has very strong Czech Working Lines and should be excellent for police sport agility and a lifelong family companion. Our puppies are well socialized and have excellent temperament.Dam Kerta z Diehlomov is a Stormfront s Brawnson Granddaughter. She has an excellent temperament along with a very serious working attitude. She has full powerful grips and natural working aggression. Kerta has solid nerves along with super ball and food drives. Her father is Kutter vom Landesberg SchH3 FH-1 Working Police K-9. Her grandfather Stormfront s Brawnson was 2 times National Police Dog Champion SchH3 DPO2 WPO and a working Dual Purpose Police Narcotics K-9.Sire Black Ice Ace z Diehlomov (aka Ace) is trained as a Narcotics Detection Dog. He has excellent Czech Working Lines. His grandsire is the powerful Eick von der Berger Hochburg a strong working dog and well known for his vice grips. Ace is a very balanced dog and has an excellent temperament.If you have questions or are interested in a puppy please call Ron at 302....526....0905 302-526-0905. Leave a message if we are available.



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