Rookie-Adoption pending - Male Cattle Dog

Hi I was rescued during the baseball draft so they named me Rookie. I am an adorable four month old Red Heeler. My name is fitting because I am a natural athlete very smart and strong with a lot of energy and I love the outdoors. I have a natural tendency to herd so I must be supervised around small children and small dogs until we get used to each other. My foster family says that I am doing Great with my crate training too I sleep indoors at night in my crate and rest there when I am done playing. Due to my high energy level I would be a very good match for someone with an active lifestyle who loves to play with their pet. I love to fetch a Frisbee and kick around a ball in the yard and going for walks but most of all I am very affectionate and will love the companionship of a loving owner. A fenced yard is a must. Rookie is up to date on all shots on heartworm preventative microchipped and neutered. Rookie s adoption fee is 350.00. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. Out of state adopters are responsible for arranging transport WE DO NO T SHIP DOGS. For events calendar and adoption application please go to our website at More Info



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