Marco shy sweet see video - Male Siamese

Meet Marco Marco is a sleek 1-year-old Seal Point Siamese birthday 6 22 15. He is super shy but super affectionate and sweet He hid for the first week in his foster home but now he loves his foster family curls up next to them to sleep. We rescued him from the shelter where he d been abandoned due to a landlord. He s talkative at meal times but otherwise a quiet gentle and well-behaved boy. Marco is looking for a patient loving shy-cat experienced adopter ideally with another social cat to show him the way See a video of Marco at -XX -XX.XX vo2fmegb-5Q PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT OWN A FACILITY. Our animals are in private foster homes. If you are interested in adopting Marco please fill out our application at -.----XX.- adopt_a_cat.php. Please tell us about your shy cat experience in the anything else box Applications are required PRIOR to meeting one of our animals and are used to set up a safe and successful adoption. Please don t be shy and answer the questions thoroughly. To learn more about our entire process please visit -.----XX.- and click on the Adopt A Cat page. APPLICANT MUST BE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD APPLICANT MUST LIVE IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA E-mail -X(at)------... More Info



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