Mac - Male Poodle (Miniature)Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Mac is a five month old Poodle mix that loves everyone. He has lots of energy and loves being on the go. Mac gets along well with other dogs and is good with cats. He is still a puppy and needs some work on obedience. Mac is very affectionate and loves to give kisses. He would make a great addition to any loving home. My approximate weight is 8 lbsMy approximate age is 5 monthsMy adoption fee is 250Like all Leon County Humane Society dogs this one is already spayed or neutered up-to-date on vaccinations microchipped and tested free of heartworms.I m Sponsored by No One Yet Visit our website for more information about our matchmaking process adoptions fees what s included with an adoption and to fill out an adoption questionnaire for this animal



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