Cooper - Basset Hound

COUNTESY POST Posted 7 8 16 Cooper was purchased by a family from an Amish farm....He is a sweet boy who is very smart but as lacked training. We are working hard to teach him not to counter surf and about the proper way to play with other dogs. He comes on really strong. He has a lot of energy because he is so young and would do better with older children. If your family is patient and willing to dedicate your time to patiently finish training he will be a loyal loving family member. Please contact -XX(at)--X for an application House trained Spayed Neutered Current on vaccinations Prefers a home without Cats and Young Children The FIRST STEP to be considered for adopting a pet is to fill out the adoption application COMPLETELY .Fill Out Adoption Application HereOR at -.XX.---.-Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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