Maeve - Female Labrador RetrieverShepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

NAME Maeve GENDER Female BREED Lab. Shepherd Mix COLOR Black AGE 5 months WEIGHT 20 Lbs SPAY OR NEUTER Spayed MICROCHIP 900108001440071 Maeve is a super sweet and friendly pup She loves people and children. She gets along well with dogs as well as cats. Maeve is very playful energetic and cuddly She loves playing with her siblings and other dogs in the foster family. She enjoys people s company and is very friendly to all ages of people and dogs. She is very curious and likes to sniff around she is full of puppy energy She loves to cuddle very much and she is a passionate kisser. Maeve was rescued along with her 5 siblings in the rural mountain area. The mother dog hid them on a hillside which was surrounded by busy road and deep ditch. What s even worse the puppies were facing harassment from other stray dogs while the mother dog was out looking for food. Luckily we found them in time and took them to the vet for examination. They were overall healthy except for mal nutrition and wounds on the skin. All puppies were placed with foster families where they received care and medical treatment. Under the loving care in the foster family their coat turned shiny and all have put on good weight. Maeve s skin wounds quickly healed. Most of her missing fur has grown back except for some tiny imprints from the previous injuries which also mark her as a survivor after all the plight she s been through. Now not only her coat is shinier skin problems are much improved but she is also so much healthier and full of life She can be a good morning alarm clock that wakes you up with her kisses She is so loveable that she will easily grow on you. Maeve is ready for adoption. Would you offer her a forever home She will be a good addition that adds spices to your life Please watch Maeve s YouTube videos below Maeve album -X -XX.XX QZU76fAK5tk Good with kids & strangers -X -XX.XX ITrQwSe4BJQ Follow the commands well -X -XX.XX BWZLmkBJuDc Potty trained on pad -X -XX.XX jJ2bxy4L5GY Has no food aggression toward human -XX -XX.XX vNq10XOXmYo Has no food aggression with other dogs -X -XX.XX 97efru_B6eg Good with other dogs -X -XX.XX ypHYP6f7Mno Good with cats -X -XX.XX 7t7g2ehumqI Walk well on leash -X -XX.XX -rb-rcsx8U0 If you would like to give Maeve a forever home please go to -X -.----.- to fill out an online application. Please upload your home environment photos so that we can do an online home visit. Once we received your application we will get back to you ASAP. Temperament Energy level Medium Ideal home environment Active or Quiet Both Is the dog good with strangers Friendly The dog is best with children of what age group Any age group Is the dog good with other dogs Small dogs Yes Big dogs Yes Is the dog good with cats yes Good on leash yes Housetrained yes Crate-trained yes How is the dog with men friendly Food aggression with people no Food aggression with dogs no Has the dog ever bitten anyone no Medical Information Vaccination History 1st vaccination March 18 2016 2nd vaccination April 30 2016 3rd vaccination June 3 2016 Rabies Date June 3 2016 Giardia Date June 22 2016 Idexx 4-1 Kit Test Result negative Heartworm Test Result negative PCR Blood Test Result negative Giardia Test Kit Result negative Deworming Date March 18 April 1 April 29 June 2 Heartworm Preventative Date 1st of each month Frontline Date 1st of each month... More Info



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