TRIXI - Female Chihuahua Mix

Terrific TRIXI Chihuahua (06-24-16-02) AVAILABLE Young Female Great things come in small packages that s me in a nut shell. Come pay me a visit and I ll work my way into your heart.TrixiDog Dachshund & Terrier Mix Young Female SmallAsk About TrixiTEHAMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES-----XABOUT TRIXITrixi approximately 2 years old 8 lbs heart worm negative although Trixi is a tad reserved at first she is still very sweet and affectionate just give her a minute or two and she bonds quickly with her person adorably cute ears she loves to sit in your lap for extra pets and love lovely girl friendly happy enjoys attention responsive people oriented playful loves to play with her kennel mates but not interested in toys at this time cute girl does need secure fencing as she can squeeze through tiny spaces okay being picked up and held Trixi is looking for a new home away from the shelter where she can relax play and enjoy life to the fullestMORE ABOUT TRIXIPet ID 06-24-16-02Current on vaccinations Primary Color(s) Yellow Tan Blond or Fawn Coat Length ShortTRIXI is up to date on shots and is available from Tehama County Animal Care Center. If you have any further questions please call -.-.-X.... More Info



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