Billy Boy - Male Hound (Unknown Type)American Bulldog Mix

BIILY BOY s foster mother says he is the perfect puppy. He is super chill loves to play but is not mischievous. He loves attention and is working hard on potty training.All puppies have an adoption fee of 150 which includes a vet check age appropriate shots dewormer rabies shot if at least 16 weeks of age and spay neuter Puppies cannot go to their adoptive families until they have had 2 sets of puppy shots and have been spayed neutered. With an approved application a puppy can be pre-adopted and held for a 75 non-refundable deposit. The deposit will be applied toward the adoption fee and the remaining 75 will be due at the time of pick up. Adoption Application -X --X.- thirdcoastapplication... More Info



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