Low Price-Clean Low Mile 1963 Tbird-Runs and Drives Excellent

If you can get it by tomorrow I ll take Just 13 900 firm. Don t offer any less I won t take it. The Tbird is well worth it and worth more. If I still have it in the spring price will go back to where it should be. Nice original 1963 Thunderbird. 61 000 original miles. I m the 4th owner. Original owner owned a Ziebart shop and he Ziebarted the whole car when he brought it back from the dealer new. The second owner had it for a lot of years and hardly drove it. The third owner had it a short time and he rarely drove it. 390 V8 automatic. Tilt-away steering column. Radio. Nice interior not many T-birds had matching interior and exterior colors. Power windows. Last year of the round T-birds. Runs and drives like new. Quiet exhaust. Clean underneath. Rare factory color (Castilian gold). You can drive my T-bird to California with no problems. Serious buyers only who have the cash and time to get here.



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