Ceaser - Rat Terrier

I need my FUR ever HOMEPLEASE Read my FULL Bio to see where I am located and my proper contact info I am so confused. Someone found me and took me to the shelter. I don t know what happened. I blinked my eyes and here I am looking for a home. I am a little timid but I get along with most everyone. I really like women best. Yeah a ladies man. If I could talk I could explain it. Men are ok if they give me time to earn their trust. I need to come out of my shell. If you are patient it won t take long. I play sometimes when nobody is looking. I like to go on walks but what I really want is a fenced yard. I think exploring my very own yard would be great fun There are so many things to smell. I am neutered micro chipped vaccinated heart worm tested and started on heart worm and flea preventatives. If you are patient and are looking for a low key guy like me contact Pam at --XX(at)--X and ask for an application. Or you can go to randolphhumane.rescuegroups.org and fill out an application there.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.All intrested adopters must fill out a Pre-Adopt completely to be considered. Incomplete Pre-Adopts will not be considered.Adoption fees homechecks and references are required. ALL of us at RCHS work very hard to save these precious lives and our only pay is that we get as volunteers is a GOOD HOME LIFE for them we all are volunteers so please be patient and considerate of our time and responses.DONATIONS is how we feed and care for them so anything is welcome and or can be made thru PAYPAL. Our website is RandolphHumane.org (SPARTA IL) or mailed to P.O. Box 59 Sparta IL 62286 (Phone -----X) Please leave message if no answer we will get back with you as soon as we can.... More Info



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