Goldendoodle Puppies

These cream to dark gold Goldendoodle puppies are expected to have non-shedding hypoallergenic curly coats. We have six girls and three boys. The dam is our F1b apricot Goldendoodle Henny. The sire is our extraordinary Standard Poodle Guv with championship lineage. He is AKC registered and OFA certified for good hips and elbows. Both are mellow obedient companions. Puppies will go home with a health guarantee a veterinary exam first vaccination and a book on Goldendoodles. They are on a de-worming routine. Puppies can go to their forever homes 8 6. A 300 deposit will hold selection place and be deducted from amount due at pick-up. Parents are both on site. Call or text 209-573-0418 or e-mail plrogers678(at)



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