OPIE - COURTESY LISTING - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Please do not call BAM about Opie. He is privately owned and this posting is to help the owner find a placement for him.Opie is not being placed because his family doesn t want him. He needs a new home because with Opie they are over the number of dogs the city will allow them to have. If they could keep Opie they would.Opie is a big playful affectionate boy who needs a home that will commit to him for life. He s bounced around because of his Houdini-like ability to escape from yards and getting out of fences. He will need a tall sturdy fence to keep him in and a yard to run around and play. He gets along with most other dogs if introduced properly and loves to play with the dogs he currently lives with. He doesn t get along with cats or chickens. He really wishes he could be a lapdog and whenever I take a nap I wake up with him curled up on top of me. He s a very sweet gentle boy who loves all people especially children. Please make a lifetime commitment to Opie. He will give so much love in return. Please call Leah at -----X to meet him.... More Info



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