By Owner 2017 31 ft. Jayco Eagle HT 29.5 Double Bunk

Type Travel TrailersYear 2017Make JaycoModel Eagle HT 29.5Length 31Awnings yesSlides 2Sleeps 10AirConditioner 1Price 34950. Seller Number 740674. For sale by owner 2017 Jayco Eagle HT 29.5 Double Bunk. Comes with tripod - kingpin stabilizer sleeps 10 Electric Awning - 18 foot Full size queen bed (not a shortened camper queen) 2 double size bunks with door bunks never used other than for storage Parked on same lot since purchase 2 TV s - outdoor is 26 in inside is 40 inch Indoor outdoor speakers outdoor kitchen Looking for mid-October sale Lots of cabinetry and storage Non smoking - dog friendly Please call Terri Seabold 440-552-8054 and 440-666-6257.



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