Chartreuse - Female Calico

Chartreuse is one of a litter of seven kittens who were born on 4 5 16 to a rescued stray cat Pink. Chartreuse is mostly white with orange and black patches--very beautiful Adorable Chartreuse has been spayed vaccinated dewormed and is negative for feline leukemia virus. Chartreuse loves to play and is looking for a loving permanent home. 50 adoption fee cash only which is to help reimburse for a portion of expenses of cat rescue and rehabilitation. Adoption contract required. Location Quail Valley Menifee Southwest Riverside County. Local adoptions only within 50 miles because we deliver animal to its new home. (Please note L.A. and Orange Counties are out of area.) We are looking for adopters who are willing and able to care for this pet for its lifetime (15 years). If interested please email us with a little info about you your family your other pets where you live etc. and what type of cat you are looking for--indoor outdoor or Thank you. 50 adoption fee cash only which is to help reimburse for a portion of expenses of cat rescue and rehabilitation. Adoption contract required. Location Quail Valley Menifee Southwest Riverside County. Local adoptions only within 50 miles because we deliver animal to its new home. (Please note L.A. and Orange Counties are out of area.) We are looking for adopters who are willing and able to care for this pet for its lifetime (15 years). If interested please email us with a little info about you your family your other pets where you live etc. and what type of cat you are looking for--indoor outdoor or Thank you.Our adoption process involves meeting the animal either at Petco in Menifee on Saturdays from 10-2 or by appointment on other days at the rescue in Quail Valley. We have the best interest of the animal in mind and our goal is to find a good permanent home for each of our rescued animals. We have the right to decline an application if we feel it is not a good match or fit for the animal. If you like the animal and we both feel it is a good match an application and adoption contract is completed. A convenient day time is arranged for us to deliver the animal to its new home to do a home check (to make sure the home is safe and secure). We will collect the adoption fee (cash only) when we deliver the animal to its new home. All our adoptions are on a trial basis because our goal is to have a successful adoption where the animal has a good permanent home and never ends up in a bad situation again. We ask that you give the animal a chance to adjust and settle in his new home and environment. Going to a new home with new people and a new environment is traumatic and stressful. It will take time for the animal to become comfortable around you and his her new home. This should be a bonding period where you get to know the animal and connect with it spend time with it and take things slow. He she will need to get to know and trust you and learn the rules of the house and what is expected of him her. This takes time sometimes 2-3 weeks. During this time we will hold the adoption fee and if the adoption is not working out we ask that you contact us and return the animal and we will refund your adoption fee.... More Info



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