Bonnie - Female DachshundSpaniel (Unknown Type) Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Bonnie is a sweet little red head spaniel or long haired dachshund mix. She was a little shy when she arrived but has blossomed upon settling in. She s super sweet and loves to hang out with people. She s fine with other dogs but only really plays with small white boys like maltese breeds (she came in with an alike male). She would be perfectly happy being the apple of her families eye too though. We don t know what she s like with cats at this time. If you would like to meet this pretty little red head please submit our adoption application. Our home page has information about our rescue adoption process and link to our adoption application -.----.- We are a foster home based rescue and have no facility to visit. Prior to adoption our dogs are spay neutered vaccinated including rabies age appropriate and parasite treated prevented as a minimum. Adoption fee is 300 Click on bone to complete an application. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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