Emma Jane - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

Emma Jane is a little over a year old and 25 lbs. She was found living in a field. She is an all around awesome dog. She is mellow a great listener and extremely sweet. She adapts easily to her surroundings. She is physically fit and would love to go for a jog with you and then cuddle up on the couch after. She gets along great with other dogs. Her favorite games to play with her foster Pug brother are tug of war and lizard hunting. She sleeps with her Barbie blanket and her favorite toy is her pink monster- she s such a girlie girl She would fit in well to any family and is good with kids. Adoption fee is 150 and includes DHPP & rabies vaccinations heartworm testing spay neuter surgery deworming and microchip. All animals are examined by a veterinarian. Please fill out our application at -X ---.------.- if you are interested in meeting or adopting this dog and we will be in touch right away ... More Info



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