ZEUS JR (SRC1800) IN NC - Male Standard SchnauzerTerrier (Unknow

I am micro-chipped and am heart-worm negative. I have all my vaccinations been neutered and have been evaluated for 2 weeks by my foster family who is also our Intake Director -- I am an alpha personality and would do best as an only family dog or if you have another dog it would be best to let me meet him or her first to see if we can be buddies -- I do tend to be selective in my choice of canine friends ZEUS JR S Story ZEUS JR with this unique identification number (SRC 1800)came into our custody and care from a local shelter where he was about to be euthanized. Now vetted this dog will be prepared for adoption by a foster family who has gone thru our approval process . He is a great dog but not one that would be recommended for a family with small children. This is a very active dog with an alpha personality. He has joined the pack at his current foster home and he has no problem joining in with the vocalizing and the activities but he absolutely will not back down from any challenge given from a canine in this pack. He definitely will want to assume the alpha position in his new home so if you already have a family companion with an alpha personality this may not be the dog for you. He would do best with a female or another male who is not an alpha if you already have another family dog let him meet them first to assure that both dogs get along well. They could be great friends or maybe not which would be a difficult situation so let s find out first. If Zeus is going to be your only baby that would be fantastic Zeus Jr. far prefers the company of humans and wants to be included in all the activities of his family unit so he will want to be an integral unit of his family or he will be most unhappy. He wants to join in all the activities and then he is a very happy camper Evaluation remains underway yet it appears that this dog is already housebroken and should be a great addition to an active family who will allow him to become a central member of the family unit. Zeus has just been groomed. Like we said he is high energy and doesn t get along well with most other dogs which might make you think he is aggressive however this boy was actually afraid of the groomer s cat The Schnauzer in him makes him vocal so he likes to bark but his favorite pass-time is to take walks. He is completely vetted now and evaluated so this comical boy is ready for a forever home. Socialization and or some training would be a great idea for Zeus Jr. to help him fit best into his new family. He should be a great addition this way He is the size of a Standard Schnauzer rather than a Mini so if you are looking for a medium size dog then. this boy may be perfect. When ready for adoption this dog will be heart-worm tested (negative) de-wormed vaccinations brought up to date spayed neutered if not done already micro-chipped examined fully by a vet and any necessary medical issues found by this vet will have been addressed. It is anticipated that this dog will be released for adoption by the same date as the completion of the Evaluation. The date of release is left to the discretion of the SRC Core Team. THIS DOG IS BEING FOSTERED IN MICRO NC AND YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO DRIVE TO THAT LOCATION IN ORDER TO PICK THE DOG UP AT THERE WHEN THIS CANINE IS ADOPTED.Tax-deductible donation requested at time of adoption for this dog is 450.00 . PLEASE READ PRIOR TO APPLYING When ready for adoption this canine will also have been evaluated for two weeks by loving SRC foster parents who will be able to give the adoptive parents information as to their opinion about the demeanor of the adoptive parent s new family companion prior to the finalizing of this adoption. SRC volunteers strive to do all of this for the well-being of their rescued canine and for a successful. It is our worthy mission to assure that each dog goes to a loving and stable home whose family members will treat each rescued dog that SRC helps as a beloved member of their immediate family.SRC s dogs are in foster homes throughout NC SC and VA. You must be willing to drive to the dog s foster home in order to adopt it. The location of each dog is listed at the bottom of its bio.BEFORE meeting an SRC dog you must be approved to adopt. Our downloadable Adoption Application is on our web site at schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org and can be submitted via email or fax (X------X). You can request an Adoption Application to email address ---(at)----------XX X Upon receipt of your application a vet reference check and home visit will be done. The entire process normally takes three to seven days depending on your location.Please plan on welcoming your new dog into your home within two weeks after approval. We do not hold dogs and we adopt them out on a first-come first-serve basis based on a completed adoption process.SRC does not ordinarily adopt its dogs to families with children under ten years of age. This is for the protection of the dogs and for the protection of the children.Procedures will be explained to you at the time of approval regarding donation and contract. Your donation goes forward to help incoming rescued dogs. Our average expenses per dog include Here is a break-down of the average expenses spent on SRC dogs to assure they remain healthy and happy as they are prepared for adoption Office Visit 45-60 Fecal 14-24 Rabies 14-24 DHLPP 14-24 Bordetella 14-24 Heartworm Lyme Ehrliccia Testing 30-45 Heart worm Preventative 16 per month Spay or Neuter 200- 400 Total Basic Vetting 347- 617 ADDITIONAL VETTING Teeth Cleaning 200 Blood Panel 80 -150 Cherry Eye 300- 500 Urinary Tract Infection 60-100 Heartworm Treatment 300-700 Luxating Patellas 1 800 per leg Cruciate Surgery 1 200 per leg Entropian Surgery 250- 500 Demodectic Mange 100 per month X-Ray 80 - 110 Ultrasound 300 Cataract Surgery 1500 - 3000 Boarding 300 per month per dog We want to thank you for your interest in our dogs.... More Info



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