Opus - Male Treeing Walker Coonhound Mix

Hi I am Opus I am a handsome Treeing Walker Coonhound mix. I am approx 2 years old. I enjoy my dog friends and recently lived with a cat. My owner had a change in his job and schedule and decided it was best for me to find a new home. These wonderful ladies in rescue promised to find me a forever loving home. I enjoy going for walks car rides and hanging out with my humans. I am quite comical and will definitely keep you smiling and laughing daily. One of the rescue ladies always says I am a big goof and I love to give her bear hugs. She also says I am a total love and she loves hugging me. I am a gentle dog who loves attention. I am pretty laid back and enjoy hanging with you on the couch watching some tv but I also love walking and hiking too. I am looking for my forever home or a foster home until I find my forever home. I am house trained and can be left uncrated in a home. I love trees and standing up looking in them it s one of my favorite things. Apply today to meet me I promise to be a wonderful companion for you.... More Info



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