Cavalier King Charles Puppy

Beautiful Blenhiem Girl Her Price is 1488 plus 8.95 registration handling. She was born in a warm loving home on 11-7-2018. Comes from the A.C.A. registered planned breeding of Precious little Tim and Red Ruby Bailey She has her shots and wormings and has been vet checked. Let us fax you her written health guarantee If needed we can fly her to your large airport safely(year-round)for an additional 425(travel crate included when shipping purchased)We can give you references for our quality of pups We welcome credit card purchase over the phone or you can come in person to Loveland Colorado and drive your baby home. Mark Brooke or Alicia will answer your call at 970-667-9669 7 days a week. Call or E-mail us for directions to come see this beautiful little girl.(mnsane2(at)



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