32" x 23" x 64" White AandE Victorian Parrot Cage

We have a nearly unused white A& E Victorian parrot cage measuring 32 x 23 x 64 for sale. It was only used for a couple of weeks as a temporary cage by a healthy bird. It was originally bought for an African Grey however we later changed our mind and never purchased the bird so the cage was taken apart and stored. It was cleaned up following the temporary usage.It is in good condition but has a small amount of paint off and a bar that was bent when we received it. Neither of which will affect the usage of the cage. The bent bar is in the back so it does not subtract from the visual appeal and the missing paint could be covered up easily. The cage is every bit as usable as a brand new one would be. It is taken apart cleaned and ready to be picked up. We also have an identical cage set up for our Amazon so you could get a look at how the cage looks when put together. The top opens into a play top a draw bridge door at the top front a large main door three feed water dish doors a removable seed guard and more. It can fit up to an Amazon or African Grey possibly even smaller Cockatoos and any bird smaller.We are asking 300 firm. Almost 200 less than we paid.The cage shown is our Amazon s.Cage info www.mybirdstore.com product.cgi group 238382& product 238420



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