Bearded Dragon - Price: $150

I am trying to find a good home for a two year old bearded dragon. It comes in a 40 gal tank with a basking lamp and heat lamp and a replacement bulb for each. Tank had fresh sand everything is clean. few more extras like two cricket houses a jar of dry cricket food a little bit of pellet food for dragon clamps for the lights as they sit on top of cage currently a misting water bottle calcium spray for crickets and fruit food a poop sand sifter scoop a handbook and a bottle of safe spray cleaner for tank and two bowls for water and food. I have an 8 outlet timer power strip and a hanging light stand still in the box. you must be able travel and haul. It needs someone who has the time to give the care it needs as my son has lost interest in it. I m asking 150 for everything.



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