Pug/Chihuahua mixed puppies--$300--Flint , Michigan - Price: 300

Born June 17th 2013 The mother is Tan & Pure Chihuahua. Father is Brendle and pure Pug. Dew claws removed. These pupies are very sweet. they only weigh 2 pounds at 7 weeks. Socialized with another litter of french bulldogs so they will be great with other dogs right away. up to date on all vaccinations. Kept in a flea free environment. will ship to any state in the USA for an added fee of 350. We have to travel to Detroit to ship. that is a 4 hour round trip after dealing with the shipping dept. call Wayne for an appointment to see and pick up the your puppy. 810-223-1926 There are 4 puppies in the litter.



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