Three birds, bonded breeding pair of conures, cockatiel, cages,

600 two bonded paire of conures with two cages a Cockateil toys playe ground nest box and food. Its even lower than the adoption fee if you get them from a pet rescue center. I have a 14 months old bonded pair of cinnamon green cheek conures. They mate couple of times a day and they give each other a mating dance. They are really independent. show obvious affection for each other mutual preening feeding each other showing distress when separated.I bought them for breeding but I am leaving the country. I bought them 450 each and 200 for the cage. Plenty of toys and a play ground. The whole thing costed me more than 1400 even if you buy and resell them you will make profit on it they cages can be sold for 150 together and if you breed the conures they lay 4-6 eggs and selling the babies for even minimum 350 each is at least another 1200 extra cash. The cockatiel is almost free in this bargain so younare having a 100 bird for free. They take a bath twice a day and clean each other and make love all day long. I have to go back to Canada and I don t want to hurt my little feathered friends by transporting them. They are pretty self centered and independant and they make great parents.



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