2012 Mitsubishi Lancer GT Apex Silver Metallic Sedan I4 - Price:

This outstanding example of a 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer 4DR SDN CVT GT FWD is offered by Gladstone Mitsubishi Your Auto Truck Source. This Mitsubishi Lancer 4DR SDN CVT GT FWD is in great condition both inside and out. No abnormal wear and tear. You demand the best in everything so why would your automobile be any different Enjoy the best features available in this stunning Mitsubishi Lancer. Hard-to-find custom wheels come standard on this vehicle. More information about the 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer At the base level the Lancer packs plenty of fun and safety features into a sub- 15 000 package. The Ralliart models feature a mild turbocharged engine but enough performance to be surprise. Sportback models add increased functionality. The base Lancer returns great fuel economy achieving 25 mpg in the city and 34 mpg on the highway. Finally the Lancer Evolution continues to be one of the best performance values available. A 291-horsepower turbocharged 4-cylinder engine combined with Mitsubishi s famed Super All-Wheel Control system makes for intense power and control that costs less than 35 000. Interesting features of this model are lots of sporty fun excellent performance from Ralliart model Sportback functionality and intense performance from the Evolution model Portland Auto Sale Call the internet sales staff and ask about this vehicle. Test drive today Low Down Payment and Special Financing available. Trade-Ins are welcome. Hablamos Espanol.



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