LIVVY - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Lovable Livvy is a beautiful pup who just recently became available for adoption She s a terrier mix and about 2 months old with a lovely tan coat and white markings. She s living with a puppy pal in her kennel so she is being socialized to do well with other dogs. She s already spayed microchipped and up to date on her shots and ready to start a lifetime of loving with you today Please come meet Livvy The adoption fee helps in covering the medical treatment that has been completed. This includes the cost of the spay or neuter testing for HW HW preventative rabies vaccination wormings annual vaccination and flea and tick treatments. If you are interested in adopting this pet first visit our home page -.------X.- to complete the adoption application view hours of operation see other pets available or just to get directions to the shelter. You can email or fax the application to the shelter. If you have other questions you can call the shelter at -----X or email us at --XX(at)---. We cannot hold a pet for adoption therefore if you plan on traveling to the shelter please call before you leave to assure the pet you are traveling to see will be there. Some of our pets are in a foster care home with a volunteer and if you wish to meet those pets an appointment will need to be made. Thank you for considering one of our shelter pets for adoption.... More Info



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