Doodle Bug - Female Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier

This is the sweetest girl ever She is 4 1 2 yrs old and 6.5 lbs. She will need work on housetraining. She is outgoing and a very loving little girl. Adoption fee 350.00. Thank you for choosing rescue We are at Petco in Venice on MOST Saturdays from 12 until 3 if you would like to meet our dogs. Most of our dogs are located in SW Fl. Some friends OVER 6 months can be transported. Please contact me for transport availability. ALL dogs have been vaccinated dewormed treated for fleas ticks and microchipped. Friends over 6 months have been heart worm tested and spayed or neutered.Applications are available on our website -.-------X.-. We are not available by phone until you have an approved application to adopt. We are all volunteers and time is very limited. Adoption fees are CASH or money order ONLY.... More Info



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