Corporate Travel &ndash Employee Transportation Rental Whitefiel

Teja s travels are stretching its arms to serve the corporate companies and small-scale industries by offering daily pick up and drop off their employees. A company can hire the vehicles based on monthly daily hourly rental basis as well as a number of person basis. Our vehicles are maintained perfectly and are good conditions throughout the year. Not only daily pickups and drop up we will help in team outings excursions day tours weekend tours holiday trips etcWhy Tejas Corporate Transport Service Experienced chauffeurs 2.Well maintained and conditioned vehicles 3.24 7 help desk support 4.Reasonable price when compared with the market price 5.Educated on board staff to assist employees if necessary 6.A fleet vehicles to accommodate any number of people 7.Eco vehicles which doesn t harm environment 8.Friendly environment inside the vehicle Advantages of Corporate EmployeesLogin and Logout will be done accurately 2.Take rest in the vehicle while travelling 3.Pollution control and time saving 4.Have joy and fun with Co employees.. Advantages of Corporate CompaniesExpect their employees to login and logout as per the company policies. elfare to reduce traffic 2.Employees will work with no pressure and no tension keeping in mind of travelling (when compared with public transport service to reach offices) 3.improves work efficiency



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