Maisie - Female American Shorthair

My name is Maisie and just like my name I am the sweetest most laid back girl in my group. I like nothing better than hugs and kisses and lots and lots of attention When you walk in you can hear my motor from across the room. My foster mom says I could give a Caterpillar diesel motor a run for their money I am a little shy at first but it doesn t take me long to warm up just give me a little time and some good back rubs and chin scratches -) Sometimes I take the backseat to my wilder siblings but I prefer to act like a lady most of the time. My favorite toy right now is the red dot and my mission is to catch it one day Adoption fee 150 (2 kittens 225). Maisie will be spayed vaccinated (rabies & fvcrp) tested for FELV FIV (with negative result) treated for parasites & microchipped... More Info



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