Skylar - Female Spaniel (Unknown Type)Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Skylar was rescued by Animal Rescue Corps from Hardeman County TN on January 8 2016. She is a 30pound 2 year old small hound mix who was abandoned and left running loose in a yard with 16 other dogs. Despite her severe neglect she is extremely sweet and very people motivated. She is a tail wagger and enjoys positive interaction with everyone she has met. She is medium energy dog. She has been updated on her vaccines and will be spayed prior to placement in her forever home. She has a very pleasant personality and should do well with positive training. She adores the attention from people and has come a long way in her socialization. We do not know much about her previous life but something has made this sweet pretty girl distrustful of other dogs. Skylar was also very pregnant when she was rescued. She gave birth to her puppies on January 21 2016....right at the beginning of of the big blizzard. Fortunately she was safe and warm with the volunteers of ARC. Skylar was understandably reactive to any dogs that came near her because she was protective of her pups. We have since tested her with other dogs now that the pups have been weaned and found that she is still reactive with most dogs. FOR THIS REASON SKYLAR WILL ONLY BE PLACED AS AN ONLY DOG. SHE CAN AND SHOULD BE LEASH WALKED BUT CARE SHOULD BE GIVEN WHEN OTHER DOGS ARE APPROACHED AS SHE MAY BARK AND GROWL AT THEM. FOR THIS REASON SKYLAR S NEW FAMILY MUST HAVE A FENCED YARD FOR HER TO PRACTICE HER LEASH MANNERS. She has not been tested with children but it is believed her best home would have no children under the age of 16 years who live in or visit the home.



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