New condo upscale complex for retired or semi-retired in Laval

Condo apartment Sainte-Dorothee Laval for rent - 100 Etienne-Lavoie apt. 2801. Gorgeous condo with tasteful decor located at Selection Panorama complex for the retired or semi-retired built to the highest quality and safety standards with superior soundproofing several on site services a magnificent view and more On the 28th floor along the Riviere des Prairies near Montreal and 13 min from YUL airport. You can enjoy a variety of leisure activities such as 3D golf simulator movie theatre library games room pool spa gym hair salon aesthetics petanque restaurant... located in the building Garage and storage space included. 3 000 month.R my BabinReal Estate BrokerVia Capitale du Mont-Royal514-602-2499Condo neuf logement appartement Sainte-Doroth e Laval louer - 100 Rue tienne-Lavoie app. 2801. Somptueux condo au d cor raffin situ au S lection Panorama complexe pour retrait s ou semi-retrait s construit selon les plus hauts standards de qualit et de s curit avec insonorisation sup rieure plusieurs services sur place une vue magnifique et plus Au 28e tage en bordure de la Rivi re des Prairies pr s de Montr al et 13 mins de l a roport YUL . Vous pourrez profiter d une panoplie de loisirs tels que simulateur de golf 3D cin ma biblioth que salle de jeux piscine spa gym salon de coiffure esth tique p tanque restaurant... m me l difice Garage et espace rangement inclus. 3000 mois.



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