Stella - Female Jack Russell TerrierRat Terrier Mix

Stella is an adorable dainty little terrier girl. She was a stray who was terrified in the shelter but now she is blossoming in her loving foster home. She would be a fantastic companion dog for someone who is home a lot and looking for a very special companion. Stella is estimated to be around four years old and she weighs 15 pounds. Although she is still a bit skittish and is startled by loud noises and sudden movements she is very loving and affectionate and she loves her people . She loves being petted having her ears scratched Stella s favorite thing to do is to spend the evening in her foster mom s lap. She can definitely be called a lap dog She is a good car rider enjoys taking leisurely strolls around the neighborhood and does well with other dogs. When she runs around the yard it is a beautiful thing to see She is doing well with her house training. Stella is the most mellow terrier her foster family has ever seen but perhaps her playful mischievous side is still lurking within and it will emerge when she finds her loving forever family Because of her skittish nature Stella would do better with a family with very small children. She has no aggression issues she is just fearful. Stella has been spayed and she is up to date on vaccinations and trifexis and she is microchipped. You can fill out an application for Stella here -X ---.- dog-application . Once received her foster mom will be in touch and will answer all of your questions about this sweet girl ... More Info



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