Met-Eco! Indoor Garden? Need Help? Advice? Ask Me! (Pierce and K

Met Eco Indoor Garden Specialties - Local Turn Key Help & Resource for Beginners and Advanced Gardeners - Lets get you started - We know how to grow 253-222-3667 Beginners to Advanced gardeners CALL We can get you growing License info WA. License NT 0000606 RCW69.51A Servicing and providing turn key solutions consultation and management instruction to the Urban Indoor Gardner and the Medical Cooperative we can help save you time effort and money 253-222-3667Consulting Instruction and Full Turn Key Indoor Grow Systems Lighting Hydroponics Nutrients Soils Organics Ventilation Safety and Space Design. Met Eco consults & assist in new system design rejuvenate an established grow gardening tips Instruction on vegetative & flowering grow cyclesMet-Eco is your one stop indoor growing resource from medical cannibals to herbs plants and veggies. If you are a NOVICE to ADVANCED residential or commercial entity wishing to get your indoor garden going then give Met Eco a call YOUR TURN KEY SOLUTION - that will save you time money and make your indoor gardening experience a safe and an enjoyable one. Call today 253-222-3667Met Eco Indoor Garden Specialties will be there as your go to one stop shop local resource for urban Garden answers and needs. Whether it be advice on types design instruction and seminars Garden advice for indoor applications to full system design and instruction packages and growing systems whether it be a hydroponic based or space saving modular dirt based growing system. Systems designed by Indoor Garden Specialties would allow the urban dweller the experience of a turn key DIY systems giving the urban dweller the ability to build and grow their own gardens in small condominiums town home or homes with a limited landscaping footprint. 253-222-3667Met Eco Indoor Garden Specialties provide instruction and classes on cultivation of medicinal & industrial marijuana vegetables floral and herbs to full sustainable living systems including insight on the right equipment for the right job. Indoor Garden Specialties will have all the information needed to go from seed to a fully functioning garden.Disclaimer License info WA. License NT 0000606 RCW69.51A The Systems information assistance guidance consulting and equipment provided by Indoor Garden Specialties as well as all information contained in this book is intended for use only in jurisdictions where the activities contained therein are legal. You are responsible for your own actions if you do so. Nothing suggested or advice given or anything given by Met Eco should be construed to be legal or medical advice.



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