Cookie Dough - Female MaltesePoodle (Miniature) Mix

Cookie is a 12 year old 10 lb Maltipoo (Maltese Poodle mix) who was surrendered with her adorable Pomeranian brother. Her family s baby was very allergic and they were heart broken to have to give them up. Cookie and her brother Rocky have been together for over 8 years. We would love for them to stay together but we think they would do well separate as long as they have another doggie companion. Cookie is house trained crate trained and knows some simple commands. Cookie is sweet gentle docile and wants nothing more than to be at her foster parent s side. Don t let her age fool you she s still got lots of spunk and energy and loves to run around the yard and go for walks. She is also good with dogs cats and kids. Adoption fee is 200 and includes a dental DHPP & rabies vaccinations heartworm testing spay neuter surgery deworming and microchip. All animals are examined by a veterinarian. Please fill out our application at -X ---.------.- if you are interested in meeting or adopting this dog and we will be in touch right away ... More Info



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