Sven-URGENT - Male American Bulldog Mix

We are a foster based rescue we do not euthanize dogs marked URGENT have not been saved yet from the kill shelter they are in due to lack of space we can not rescue if we have a committed adopter in place we can rescue and board for quarantine. If you are interested in an urgent dog please don t wait too long Please contact ----X(at)---6-12 months old 35 poundsI had a blast hanging out with Sven today. He is a happy upbeat puppy. Sven loved playing chase with us and when we were done he wanted to be a lap dog. He made his way onto my sister s lap and that s where he stayed for the rest of our visit. Even though Sven has an injury on his back it had no effect on his sweet personality. He is full of love and cuddles come get some for yourself today ... More Info



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