Thor - Male Golden Retriever Mix

Thor is a magnificent dog He is a 3 year old 85 lb Golden Retriever mix who we rescued from a kill shelter in the south. He is in a foster home on Long Island NY. His foster mom describes him as a calm and loving gentle giant. He is getting along with their dogs and he adores their two-year-old daughter. We feel he would do best in a home with another friendly dog. He loves kids and rides great in the car. Thor is a wonderful dog. Someone is going to be very lucky to end up with this beautiful sweet boy. He is neutered up to date on shots and microchipped. We require adopters to have a fully fenced in yard (not electric fence). His adoption fee is 500. Please submit an application on our website if you would like to be considered as his furever home. He is a truly special boy For more information and applications to foster or adopt please visit More Info



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