Pax - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Pax came to us on 6 27 16 after being hit by a car and taken to the emergency vet.It was initially thought that she had a fractured hind leg and would need amputation. Thankfully once she was pulled and able to be assessed by the vet it was determined she did not have a fracture and her wounds would heal in time.Pax will be available for adoption when she is fully healed. She is spayed UTD on shots heartworm negative and will be microchipped. She is said to be a favorite at both the emergency vet and at the treating vet s offices She s a sweet girl who only wants to give love despite the pain she is in. Because of this peaceful temperament the name Pax was chosen. Pax is the Roman Goddess of peace and for this calm little girl the name is just too fitting.... More Info



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