Mr Big - Male HuskyLabrador Retriever Mix

Mr Big is an amazing soul If you are looking for an extra special fur friend Mr Big is your man This gentle guy is approx 3 years old and weighs 62 lbs. He loves kids (kissed his foster mom s 2 year old daughter right in the face and made her giggle ) He also gets along very well with other friendly dogs of all sizes. He loves people so much and thinks he is a lap dog. He was extremely undernourished when he was found as a stray in a rural county in SC. His foster mom is the VP of the Humane society in that county and she says that it s absolutely amazing that he survived whatever caused his injury on the right side of his face. Despite this he sees well and has no lasting effects other than what is visible. Mr Big has a truly outstanding personality and is a gentle and kind boy who just wants to love you and have a loving forever family. Will you be the lucky family who ends up with this very special guy Mr Big is neutered up to date on shots and microchipped. His adoption fee is 375. We require adopters to have a fully fenced in yard (not electric fence). For more information and applications to foster or adopt please visit More Info



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