Susie - Female American BulldogHound (Unknown Type) Mix

Sweet Susie is a fully housebroken 2 yr old 60 lbs American Bulldog hound mix .Her favorite activities are long walks (great on leash) car rides(prefers riding shotgun) and snuggling while watching Bravo and Sports Center . She was very good with the kids in her foster home. She is an extremely affectionate and loyal companion who would do best in a home where someone is around a lot to snuggle with her . She loves to be the center of attention so she would do great as an only dog or with another friendly playful easygoing male dog. Susie is spayed up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines and microchipped. We require a fully fenced in yard not electric fence. Her adoption fee is 375. For more information and applications to foster or adopt please visit More Info



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