Bard - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

NAME Bard GENDER MaleBREED Lab. FMD mix COLOR BrindleAGE around 2 years oldWEIGHT 35 LbsSPAY OR NEUTER NeuteredMICROCHIP 900108001440056Bard is a mellow young pup with beautiful brindle coat. He loves to be around people and children. He gets along well with dogs as well as cats.Bard is friendly sociable and with great temperament. He is mellow calm and docile. Bard is a quick learner already mastered some basic commands very well. If you are looking for a companion dog Bard would be the one for you.Meet Bard Bard was a stray in a construction site since very young age. No one knows where he came from. Because of his good temperament friendly and mellow he was fed by the workers. However the workers were transferred to other sites when the construction completed. Bard was left behind all by himself with no food or shelter. One rescuer noticed Bard s plight she decided to give this docile young dog a second chance. Bard was placed with a foster home where he learned good house manners and was trained to socialize.Bard is a healthy and happy young pup he is ready for adoption. Bard is patiently waiting for a loving home where he can enjoy a happy and safe dog life He will be the best companion for your family if you can give him a chance.Please watch Bard s YouTube videos below Bard Album-X -XX.XX K4fMjkBJfB0Follow the commands well-X -XX.XX TEY5lGt-GxcGood with stranger-X -XX.XX OlAeH3oLGnUGood with cats-X -XX.XX NG5ErOtLLJEGood with kids -X -XX.XX 9DwOLfEf89QHas no food aggression with dogs-X -XX.XX v6jxxhGJfHAHas no food aggression with human-X -XX.XX V318t2DJKQUWalk well on leash-X -XX.XX pSfPq597jPIIf you would like to give Bard a forever home please go to -X -.----.- to fill out an online application. Please upload your home environment photos so that we can do an online home visit.Once we received your application we will get back to you ASAP. Temperament Energy level MediumIdeal home environment Both Active & QuietIs the dog good with strangers FriendlyThe dog is best with children of what age group Any age groupIs the dog good with other dogs Small dogs Yes Big dogs Yes Is the dog good with cats yesGood on leash yesHousetrained yesCrate-trained yesHow is the dog with men friendlyFood aggression with people noFood aggression with dogs noHas the dog ever bitten anyone noMedical Information Vaccination History 1st vaccination June 27 20162nd vaccination July 20 2016Rabies Date June 30 2016Idexx 4-1 Kit Test Result June 27 2016Heartworm Test Result negativePCR Blood Test Result negativeGiardia Test Kit Result negativeDeworming Date June 14 2016 July 14 2016Heartworm Preventative Date 1st of each monthFrontline Date 1st of each month... More Info



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