Betsy Calm and Quiet - Female Hound (Unknown Type)Foxhound

Purebred White and Orange Anglo French Hound.THIS DOG IS IN North Tampa...PLEASE CALL Cynthia at -----X FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SCHEDULE A VISIT Please consider Betsy Betsy is a stunning 60 LB 3 year old female Anglo French Hound who came out of a rural Florida kill shelter and had been neglected and starved. In spite of this Betsy is a gentle affectionate smart girl who LOVES everybody and gets along well with other dogs. She would be a good choice for even younger children and will benefit from a home where she can get the direction and belonging she craves. She is housetrained barks very little and does not jump. Betsy needs leash training but comes immediately when called. 145.00 (adoption fee includes her spay all shots and several wormings). We require that all of our dogs be kept on excellent quality food be cherished members of the family and kept on monthly heartworm prevention.... More Info



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