French Bulldog pups. AT tricolour carriers.

Title KC BLUE FAWN TRIPLE CARRIER PUPS (at dd Bb k) We hav e pups that are ready to be reserved now. We have 2 girls available all DNA tested who carry (at dd Bb kyky) pups also carry one chocolate gene from dad who is the gorgeous Rossi from elangel Frenchies who is DNA tested and is DM and HC clear meaning these pups can never get these awful diseases. We also have one boy who is AT tricolour carrier and a non AT blue Fawn girl who carries tricolour and choc gene. He produces lilac and tan chocolate and tan and blue and tans all of which are outstanding puppies. Mum is our beautiful blue girl and much loved family pet. Puppies ready having had a full vet check first vaccination and microchip. They will also leave me with all paperwork insurance food and puppy pack. Puppies will be well socialised and raised within my family home. Mum is with the babies at all times We are now allowing visits to those who seriously intend to own one of our babies a non refundable deposit will be required at the time of viewing to secure your puppy. Many many testimonials available. You will then be welcome to visit and bond with your new family.member and get to know us as your pup s breeder. I am always available for advice and support genuine enquiries only. Prices vary per pup so please enquire. No time wasters and thank you.



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