Shira - Female Great PyreneesGerman Shepherd Dog Mix

NOW TAKING DEPOSITS ON THE MOM WHO BROUGHT YOU THE ICE AGE LITTER meet Shira Hi everyone my name is Shira and I am a 1 year old female Great Pyrenees German Shepherd mix. I can still remember what it felt like to be be part of a family. That is why it hit me so hard when I was abandoned and my only friend was my own shadow. I wandered around for awhile and one day my life changed forever when I met the most handsome tall and white Pyr I have ever seen We fell in love instantly and soon we welcomed six little pups into our lives. Being on our own was hard and I become very skinny trying to provide for my six pups and the little food we found went to our pups. We were making it though until some really mean people began shooting at us this was our home though and we were not prepared to leave so we hung around and one day the love of my life..the father to my pups was shot down and killed. I tried to go back for him and the next thing I knew I had been hit too but luckily it had just grazed me. My pups and I ran like crazy and finally someone found us but they brought us to a small shelter where we were marked as urgent because my pups were still so young. Luckily a rescue stepped up for us and we went into a loving foster home. Now my puppies are very happy and healthy and most already have homes lined up for them when they turn 8 weeks. While I am still very skinny I am slowly starting to gain my weight back and I have the amazing markings of a German Shepherd and my coat continues to come in thicker and more plush The wound I had from being shot has since healed up and I am now ready to start looking for my forever home. I am a very gorgeous girl and have the bushy tail of a Pyr but the markings of a German Shepherd. I am on the smaller side and will be only around 65-70lbs once I have filled out. I am a very loyal girl and will follow you everywhere I want to be close to you all the time as I am worried you might abandon me too. I am good with other dogs cats and from the few times I have started coming into the house appear housebroken. As time goes on and my puppies get older I am getting more and more content to just come inside and relax. I am an amazingly sweet girl and give the best kisses I am always happy to see you no matter what and just want a family who will love me as much as I love them I am still a little timid when it comes to fast movements but am learning that no one is going to hurt me. All I ask for in my new home is that they promise they will never leave me that they will never hurt me like others did. I want them to be a super sweet family who understands I need some time to come around and trust them but realize that once I have they will be my one and only If I sound like your girl please place in an app to adopt me at -X -.--.- TGPRescue Public AppServlet COMMAND HOME.NOW TAKING DEPOSITS ON THE MOM WHO BROUGHT YOU THE ICE AGE LITTER meet Shira Hi everyone my name is Shira and I am a 1 year old female Great Pyrenees German Shepherd mix. I can still remember what it felt like to be be part of a family. That is why it hit me so hard when I was abandoned and my only friend was my own shadow. I wandered around for awhile and one day my life changed forever when I met the most handsome tall and white Pyr I have ever seen We fell in love instantly and soon we welcomed six little pups into our lives. Being on our own was hard and I become very skinny trying to provide for my six pups and the little food we found went to our pups. We were making it though until some really mean people began shooting at us this was our home though and we were not prepared to leave so we hung around and one day the love of my life..the father to my pups was shot down and killed. I tried to go back for him and the next thing I knew I had been hit too but luckily it had just grazed me. My pups and I ran like crazy and finally someone found us but they brought us to a small shelter where we were marked as urgent because my pups were still so young. Luckily a rescue stepped up for us and we went into a loving foster home. Now my puppies are very happy and healthy and most already have homes lined up for them when they turn 8 weeks. While I am still very skinny I am slowly starting to gain my weight back and I have the amazing markings of a German Shepherd and my coat continues to come in thicker and more plush The wound I had from being shot has since healed up and I am now ready to start looking for my forever home. I am a very gorgeous girl and have the bushy tail of a Pyr but the markings of a German Shepherd. I am on the smaller side and will be only around 65-70lbs once I have filled out. I am a very loyal girl and will follow you everywhere I want to be close to you all the time as I am worried you might abandon me too. I am good with other dogs cats and from the few times I have started coming into the house appear housebroken. As time goes on and my puppies get older I am getting more and more content to just come inside and relax. I am an amazingly sweet girl and give the best kisses I am always happy to see you no matter what and just want a family who will love me as much as I love them I am still a little timid when it comes to fast movements but am learning that no one is going to hurt me. All I ask for in my new home is that they promise they will never leave me that they will never hurt me like others did. I want them to be a super sweet family who understands I need some time to come around and trust them but realize that once I have they will be my one and only If I sound like your girl please place in an app to adopt me at -X -.--.- TGPRescue Public AppServlet COMMAND HOME... More Info



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