Azula - Female HuskyPointer Mix PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADOPTING THIS PET THE FIRST STEP IS TO FILL OUT OUR ADOPTION APPLICATION AVAILABLE AT THELASTRESORTRESCUE.COM. WE CANNOT RESPOND TO GENERAL INQUIRES ABOUT A DOG WITHOUT AN APPLICATION ON FILE. Azula caught our eye with her stunning blue eyes. She was in a kill shelter in Fayetteville NC. We thought for sure someone would adopt her. She s a unique beauty. Her stray hold came and went and no one came for her. She waited and watched as folks toured the adoption floor but no one picked her. She overheard someone say her time is almost up and she became defeated. Azula hung her head in disbelief and awaited the fate she knew would come. But instead a gentle hand from TLR reached out to her and she couldn t believe how good it felt to feel love.Azula is now in her foster home in NC and is opening up and showing us her personality. It took a few days but she finally gave her foster Mom a smile. Azula is 2-3 years old and approximately 55 lbs. We believe she s a Husky Aussie Pointer Bully mix or something of the nature. Azula s clearly had a rough road. While her beauty is just stunning she most likely had mange at a young age a tail told by the pock marks on her face. Also she is heartworm positive. We have begun treating Azula and will continue to do so and pay for all treatment until she s negative even if she s adopted prior. She s potty trained crate trained and very low key. Azula really likes being able to lay on the couch. She can be shy with newcomers so dog savvy kids only. Azula would do best in a home with no other pets. It takes a while for her to open up and then when she does she longs for your attention.Azula is current on her vaccines and spayed. She can be transported to MD or NJ for an approved adopter.Adoption Application -X -.------X.- adoptionapplication.htm... More Info



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