For sale is 2017 Moomba CRAZ Surf Edition.

This CRAZ Surf Edition is beautiful and well cared for. always garage kept with factory Moomba waterproof cover.this is the one to have for hardcore surfing Indmar 6.2 Raptor 430hp Engine second gen 2.0 Surf tab system factory FLY HIGH Fatsacs 4 000 lbs. standard on this get all the features of the new generation boats without issues of total glass cockpit iPad style dash of the 2018 and 19 boats.16 passenger no problem interior is perfect. with no rips or cracking.Moomba Tandem axle trailer with LED lighting and upgraded wheels and tires. This CRAZ is beautiful and speaks for itself in person. loaded with almost all factory upgrades available for 2017. to much to list but here are the highlights -Moomba Trailer -FLOW 2.0 surf system -Indmar 6.2 Raptor 430hp-board racks- Fusion Stereo and Wet Sounds-Factory Ballast 4000 bs-LED interior lights -OEM Moomba cover -Bimini with surf board pockets



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